Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) Notification

Processing and Protection of Personal Data

VA-KO VAGON CONTAINER MAK. ENG. PROJ. SAN. VE TİC. AŞ (“VAKO A.Ş.”) processes and protects your personal data in strict accordance with the principle of respecting the privacy of private life and protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals. We take the most up-to-date and effective technical and administrative measures to ensure the security of your personal data. In this process, acting as the data controller, we take the necessary measures in full compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”) and the relevant legislation.

  1. Purposes of Processing Personal Data

The personal data we collect is processed for the following purposes:

Provision of our services and improvement of user experience.

Responding to user requests and providing customer service.

Fulfilling legal obligations and carrying out legal processes.

Monitoring and improving the performance of our website.

  1. Transfer of Personal Data

Your personal data may be shared with third parties only when necessary and in accordance with legal regulations, in the following cases:

With authorized public institutions and organizations due to legal obligations.

With third-party service providers with whom we cooperate for the provision and development of our services (for example, analytics service providers).

With other parties authorized under the relevant legislation in legal processes.

When necessary, your data may also be transferred abroad. In this case, all necessary security measures are taken in accordance with the GDPR to ensure that your data is processed securely.

  1. Method and Legal Reason for Collection of Personal Data

Your personal data may be collected automatically or manually when you visit our website, fill out our forms or contact us. These data are processed in accordance with the legal reasons specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK:

Performance of the contract,

Legitimate interest,

Legal obligation,

Explicit consent.

  1. User Rights

Within the scope of KVKK, you have the following rights regarding your personal data:

To learn whether your personal data is being processed,

To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether it is being used for this purpose,

To request correction of your personal data if it is processed incompletely or incorrectly,

To request deletion or destruction of your personal data,

To object to a result that is detrimental to you due to the analysis of processed data exclusively through automated systems,

To request compensation for damages in the event of damage to the protection of your personal data.

You can contact us at to exercise these rights.

  1. Data Security and Storage Period

VAKO A.Ş. takes the most up-to-date technical and administrative measures to ensure the security of your personal data. Your personal data will be stored only for the period required for the purpose of processing and will be securely destroyed in accordance with the legislation at the end of this period.

  1. Changes and Updates

This notification may be updated by VAKO A.Ş. when deemed necessary. The changes made become effective on the date they are published on our website. Therefore, we recommend that you follow the policy changes.

  1. Contact Information

You can contact us at for any questions or requests regarding this KVKK Notification.